The Story…. A small group of Engineers created the TINGSS platform… SoC modules, Hardware modules, Circuit Boards, IOT Stack, OTA Upgrade Stack, Device Management Web Application, Android APK Library- PITARAA.
Like Lego Blocks these TINGSS elements are facilitating Vertical Smart Product Creation. Verticals delivered include Smart Home Lighting and Control, Agriculture, Drones…Industrial control and many more in the pipeline.


TINGSS :: Technology For Inter Networked Gadgets, Sensors & Screens

PITARAA :: The Pitaraa Box of Applications that support our Gadgets, providing a UIX that is intuitive and easy for All



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Located in one of India’s Best Product development eco systems – Hyderabad, MonkeyLabs; equipped with all the necessary tools, and the best of Brains . Delivers Strategic product solutions, ideas and engineering. Manufacturing is delivered through our manufacturing Partners or we Hand hold you to setup your own manufacturing process.

Absolute Experience Delivered 

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